How We Help

If you’re wondering what exactly we’re helping with, feel free to read the primer found on our What is the Need? page. Otherwise, I assume you are familiar what we at Selective Pairing are trying to do.

Our process is simple:

  1. First, you will fill out a form listing some basic information about what you are looking for in a potential future spouse for your child. (One form per child.)
  2. You will then provide the same basic information about your child. This will be used to ensure both families find what they’re looking for.
  3. You will provide a preferred method of contact.
  4. You will provide the general location of your residence, to a degree of specificity you are comfortable with. (In more populated areas, the county level would be appropriate. If you live in a more rural area, you can be a bit more vague. We are not interested in detailed information of your whereabouts. Please keep in mind that being overly vague will limit the ease of access for your results.)
  5. You pay a small fee to submit your information. (The intent is that the fee is low enough to feel negligible but high enough to discourage spamming/malicious data entry.)
  6. Selective Pairing will receive your information and determine compatible families, prioritizing by proximity.
  7. When two compatible families are found, they will be contacted separately by Selective Pairing to see if they’re willing to contact the other party. If yes, contact information is exchanged, and Lord willing, you now have a lifelong set of friends and potential future spouse for your child.

Does what we provide seem rather straightforward and intangible? The answer is yes. But ask yourself: How much more effort would this take to accomplish in day-to-day life? Certainly more, and the possibility of awkward conversations and burned bridges is likely far higher. Selective Pairing allows you to protect your social capital while exercising meaningful forward thinking for your children.