Join Selective Pairing

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This does not have to be your real name. This is just how Selective Pairing will address you.
In more populated areas, the county level would be appropriate. If you live in a more rural area, you can be a bit more vague. We are not interested in detailed information of your whereabouts. Please keep in mind that being overly vague will limit the ease of access for your results.
Please input your preferred contact email.
Required Sex
Please specify an age. A range of ±4 years will be applied.
Religious Upbringing
Please select all acceptable options. No selections required.
If none of the options above satisfy your requirements, please specify here.
Please select all acceptable options. No selections required.
Eye Color(s)
Please select all acceptable options. No selections required.
Hair Color(s)
Please select all acceptable options. No selections required.
Please select all acceptable options. No selections required.
Is it required that the child was conceived prior to the father recieving an mRNA shot, born prior to the mother receiving an mRNA shot, and is not vaccinated with an mRNA shot?
Please select your answer. No input will be considered no preference.
Is it required that the child not have disabilities or disorders?
Please select your answer. No input will be considered no preference. Feel free to provide specificity in the miscellaneous requests portion.
Select your desired minimum. No input required. Note: Minimum scores above 115 will significantly lower the likelihood of a match.
Please put any other requests here.
Your Child's Sex
Specify the sex of your child.
Please input your child’s age.
Please select your child’s religious upbringing. If not listed, specify below.
Please select your child’s ancestry.
Please select your child’s eye color.
Please select your child’s hair color.
Was your child conceived prior to the father recieving an mRNA shot, born prior to the mother receiving an mRNA shot, and is your child not vaccinated with an mRNA shot?
Please select your answer. Select “Yes” only if ALL APPLY. This is not an either/or question.
Have you or do you plan on following the vaccine schedule?
Does your child have special needs?
Please select your answer. This applies to both physical and mental disabilities. Feel free to provide specificity in the miscellaneous information portion.
Please specify your child’s IQ, if you wish to share the results of formal testing. It will be assumed your child has not been tested if this portion is left blank.
Please put any other information you would like to share here.
Price: $5.00